Radek Wyrzykowski, Co-Founder of IMC Clubs

Radek Wyrzykowski, a flight instructor in Norwood, Mass., developed a volunteer mentor program last year to help instrument pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it. When a web site launched and offered to help others start local chapters, it took off “like a storm,” Wyrzykowski says. He talks with AVweb‘s Mary Grady about how the IMC Clubs work, who can benefit from them, and how to start a chapter at your airport.

Radek Wyrzykowski, a flight instructor in Norwood, Mass., developed a volunteer mentor program last year to help instrument pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it. When a web site launched and offered to help others start local chapters, it took off "like a storm," Wyrzykowski says. He talks with AVweb's Mary Grady about how the IMC Clubs work, who can benefit from them, and how to start a chapter at your airport.


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