Flying That’s All Brother To Normandy: What It Was Like

In June 2019, 15 C-47s and DC-3s flew across the North Atlantic to commemorate the 75h anniversary of the D-Day invasion. But flying the Atlantic in a 75-year-old plus airplane isn’t like a cross country for the $50 hamburger. In this AVweb video, D-Day Squadron’s Doug Rozendaal tells AVweb’s Paul Bertorelli what it took to fly to France and back. And how an engine problem grounded the airplane at Oshkosh.

Flying the Atlantic in a 75-year-old plus airplane isn't like a cross country for the $50 hamburger. In this AVweb video, D-Day Squadron's Doug Rozendaal tells AVweb's Paul Bertorelli what it took to fly to France and back. And how an engine problem grounded the airplane at Oshkosh.