$500M Order For Dassault Falcon 2000LXs
One month after the official launch of the Falcon 2000LX program, National Air Services of Saudi Arabia has entered into a pre-purchase agreement for a half billion dollars worth (20 aircraft) of the winglet-equipped twinjets. The order is currently firm for four aircraft with an option for 16 more. Dassault says finalization of the deal announced last week is expected later this summer, with first deliveries to follow in the third quarter of 2008 and continue for six years. Dassault said the winglet-equipped 2000LX will eventually supersede the current 2000EX.

One month after the official launch of the Falcon 2000LX program, National Air Services of Saudi Arabia has entered into a pre-purchase agreement for a half billion dollars worth (20 aircraft) of the winglet-equipped twinjets. The order is currently firm for four aircraft with an option for 16 more. Dassault says finalization of the deal announced last week is expected later this summer, with first deliveries to follow in the third quarter of 2008 and continue for six years. Dassault said the winglet-equipped 2000LX will eventually supersede the current 2000EX. The 2000LX is a six-seat (plus two crew) 4,000-nm/41,000-foot aircraft powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW308C turbofans.
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