EAA: Regional Fly-Ins Are Doing Okay

Despite the recent decision by organizers of the Texas Fly-In (aka the Southwest Regional Fly-In) to cancel next year’s event, no other regional fly-ins are expected to fold, EAA spokesman Dick Knapinski told AVweb on Tuesday. He said that in the past, the regional fly-ins — which are individually managed events with various kinds of ties to EAA, but not run by EAA — have been helped by EAA to get insurance. They could apply for policies “under our umbrella,” Knapinski said, though they paid for coverage themselves. That model has now become unworkable, and EAA is working with the regional fly-ins to help them negotiate their own individual coverage with insurers.

Despite the recent decision by organizers of the Texas Fly-In (aka the Southwest Regional Fly-In) to cancel next year's event, no other regional fly-ins are expected to fold, EAA spokesman Dick Knapinski told AVweb on Tuesday. He said that in the past, the regional fly-ins -- which are individually managed events with various kinds of ties to EAA, but are not run by EAA -- have been helped by EAA to get insurance. They could apply for policies "under our umbrella," Knapinski said, though they paid for coverage themselves. That model has now become unworkable, and EAA is working with the regional fly-ins to help them negotiate their own individual coverage with insurers.