EBACE Attracts Most Exhibitors Ever

With the show still a month away, the organizers of the 11th European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition said this week they have signed up more than 460 exhibitors, making it the biggest EBACE ever. The event, from May 17 to 19 in Geneva, Switzerland, is still accepting more reservations for space. The previous record was set in 2008, when the show attracted 445 exhibitors. The show is jointly sponsored every year by the European Business Aviation Association and the U.S.-based National Business Aviation Association. Besides vendor exhibits and static displays at Geneva International Airport, the event features workshops about operational issues, news conferences, and educational forums.

With the show still a month away, the organizers of the 11th European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition said this week they have signed up more than 460 exhibitors, making it the biggest EBACE ever. The event, from May 17 to 19 in Geneva, Switzerland, is still accepting more reservations for space. The previous record was set in 2008, when the show attracted 445 exhibitors. The show is jointly sponsored every year by the European Business Aviation Association and the U.S.-based National Business Aviation Association. Besides vendor exhibits and static displays at Geneva International Airport, the event features workshops about operational issues, news conferences, and educational forums.

The show has also already assigned 2,051 booth spaces, which also sets a new record, organizers said. Updates about the show are being posted at the EBACE website and also on Twitter.