Eclipse Selling Off DayJet Fleet
It wasn’t that long ago that the waiting time for an Eclipse 500 was measured in years, but chances are you could have one in a few days if you don’t mind a blue stripe down the side. Eclipse Aviation is holding a dispersal sale of the 28 aircraft returned by DayJet when the incipient air taxi operator ceased operations in September. Eclipse spokeswoman Alana McCarraher told AVweb the aircraft, which have between 150 and 450 cycles on them, are being sold “as is,” which, as it turns out, is quite variable. The aircraft come in a variety of configurations, but none of them has flight into known icing or the latest Avio NG 1.5 avionics package.

It wasn't that long ago that the waiting time for an Eclipse 500 was measured in years, but chances are you could have one in a few days if you don't mind a blue stripe down the side. Eclipse Aviation is holding a dispersal sale of the 28 aircraft returned by DayJet when the incipient air taxi operator ceased operations in September. Eclipse spokeswoman Alana McCarraher told AVweb the aircraft, which have between 150 and 450 cycles on them, are being sold "as is," which, as it turns out, is quite variable. The aircraft come in a variety of configurations, but none of them has flight into known icing or the latest Avio NG 1.5 avionics package.
McCarraher declined to release prices for the aircraft, saying each will be priced individually based on equipment and use. All the aircraft have some factory warranty left and all have been maintained by Eclipse and DayJet. DayJet closed its doors Sept. 20, citing an inability to get financing for expansion. CEO Ed Iaccobucci insisted the per-seat business model was working but without the capital it couldn't be taken to the level needed for efficient, profitable operation.