FAA Gives Chelton ODA Boost For STC Projects

The FAA has announced that it has certified Chelton Flight Systems under the Organization Designation Authorization program for Supplemental Type Certificate projects. Translation: Chelton is now eligible to apply to the FAA to gain authority for certain aspects of future certification projects, with a theoretical reduction in time and expense required. Chelton hopes the ODA certification will allow it to improve on product delivery times and customer service. The FAA’s selection process for the ODA program, which was first established in August 2006, focuses on manufacturers that have demonstrated a consistently high degree of detail in the documentation of parts compliance with regulatory standards and a high level of experience with the production/certification process. Since the program began, companies have formed to support manufacturers in seeking FAA certification as an ODA.

The FAA has announced that it has certified Chelton Flight Systems under the Organization Designation Authorization program for Supplemental Type Certificate projects. Translation: Chelton is now eligible to apply to the FAA to gain authority for certain aspects of future certification projects, with a theoretical reduction in time and expense required. Chelton hopes the ODA certification will allow it to improve on product delivery times and customer service. The FAA's selection process for the ODA program, which was first established in August 2006, focuses on manufacturers that have demonstrated a consistently high degree of detail in the documentation of parts compliance with regulatory standards and a high level of experience with the production/certification process. Since the program began, companies have formed to support manufacturers in seeking FAA certification as an ODA. Such resources for interested companies are available online. A free informational newsletter is available here.