FAA Releases Eclipse Report

The FAA has posted online its report reviewing the certification of the Eclipse E500 jet. FAA Acting Administrator Bobby Sturgell said last week the FAA is committed to acting on each of the six recommendations from the review team, headed by former Boeing executive Jerry Mack, but the full text of the report was not released until this week. “The team did not identify any unsafe condition needing immediate attention within the areas reviewed,” the report states. It lists eight “findings,” which include the panel’s observations that issues with the jet’s stall warning, screen blanking, trim, and flaps were all adequately checked in the certification process. However, “The FAA flight-test function of the certification program was not staffed with an appropriate mix of flight-test engineers and pilots,” the report says, and “communication among parties was not effective.”

The FAA has posted online its report reviewing the certification of the Eclipse E500 jet. FAA Acting Administrator Bobby Sturgell said last week the FAA is committed to acting on each of the six recommendations from the review team, headed by former Boeing executive Jerry Mack, but the full text of the report was not released until this week. "The team did not identify any unsafe condition needing immediate attention within the areas reviewed," the report states. It lists eight "findings," which include the panel's observations that issues with the jet's stall warning, screen blanking, trim, and flaps were all adequately checked in the certification process. However, "The FAA flight-test function of the certification program was not staffed with an appropriate mix of flight-test engineers and pilots," the report says, and "communication among parties was not effective."

Several sections of the report have been blacked out, presumably to protect the company's proprietary information. Click here to download the full report in PDF format.