…First CAE Sim XXI Level D-Qualified…
The first CAE Sim XXI has received Level-D qualification for the Gulfstream IV-SP full-flight simulator located at the Emirates-CAE Flight Training center in Dubai. Concurrently, Level D certification was also received for the center’s new Hawker 800/800 XP full-flight simulator.

The first CAE Sim XXI has received Level-D qualification for the Gulfstream IV-SP full-flight simulator located at the Emirates-CAE Flight Training center in Dubai. Concurrently, Level D certification was also received for the center's new Hawker 800/800 XP full-flight simulator. The FAA and Europe's Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) qualified both devices on Nov. 14, with a public announcement by CAE made recently. CAE claims the Sim XXI, which was launched in 2002, is the next generation of full-flight simulators. The Emirates-CAE training center is jointly operated by CAE and the Emirates Group under a long-term teaming alliance. A new, larger 14-bay facility is set to open officially this December.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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