GA Versus Airlines At Aero Club User-Fee Debate

AOPA President Phil Boyer faced off with James May of the Air Transport Association (ATA) on Tuesday at the Washington, D.C., Aero Club in a debate about the pending FAA reauthorization legislation. May questioned why Boyer was opposing the Senate bill that would require a $25 user fee for turbine aircraft flying in the IFR system and exempt piston aircraft. “Our only concern is the introduction of a user fee to any segment of aviation, whether it be $5 or $25,” said Boyer. “Even if it were just the airlines [paying user fees], to put that structure in place would be a slippery slope.” May said he is fine with exempting piston aircraft. “My beef quite frankly is with the corporate jets. I’m just trying to find a little balance from some folks who can easily afford to pay their fair share.”

AOPA President Phil Boyer faced off with James May of the Air Transport Association (ATA) on Tuesday at the Washington, D.C., Aero Club in a debate about the pending FAA reauthorization legislation. May questioned why Boyer was opposing the Senate bill that would require a $25 user fee for turbine aircraft flying in the IFR system and exempt piston aircraft. "Our only concern is the introduction of a user fee to any segment of aviation, whether it be $5 or $25," said Boyer. "Even if it were just the airlines [paying user fees], to put that structure in place would be a slippery slope." May said he is fine with exempting piston aircraft. "My beef quite frankly is with the corporate jets. I'm just trying to find a little balance from some folks who can easily afford to pay their fair share." A video of the entire debate can be watched online at AOPA's Web site.