Travolta Upsets The Neighbors, Environmentalists

Actor John Travolta has caught the ire of the London’s Daily Mail and the retirees of Owl’s Head, Maine, in recent days for his flying behavior. On the U.S. side of the pond, the folks in Owl’s Head wish he would abide by the voluntary curfew at Knox County Regional Airport. According to airport manager Jeff Northgreaves, only one airplane routinely busts the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew, and that’s Travolta’s Gulfstream. “He has the loudest aircraft we see here,” Northgraves told the National Enquirer. “The area has a lot of little old ladies and retired people…Travolta should have some heart.” When Travolta goes overseas, he breaks out the big iron, however, something that didn’t escape the notice of the British media.

Actor John Travolta has caught the ire of the London's Daily Mail and the retirees of Owl's Head, Maine, in recent days for his flying behavior. On the U.S. side of the pond, the folks in Owl's Head wish he would abide by the voluntary curfew at Knox County Regional Airport. According to airport manager Jeff Northgreaves, only one airplane routinely busts the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew, and that's Travolta's Gulfstream. "He has the loudest aircraft we see here," Northgraves told the National Enquirer. "The area has a lot of little old ladies and retired people…Travolta should have some heart." When Travolta goes overseas, he breaks out the big iron, however, something that didn't escape the notice of the British media. On a recent trip to promote his latest movie, Wild Hogs, Travolta and his entourage took his Boeing 707, which is outfitted for a maximum of 34 passengers, each of whose carbon footprint for the trip would cover a city block courtesy of the 1960s-era kerosene guzzler. Travolta might have escaped notice for the contribution to global warming if he hadn't told reporters he believes everyone should "do their bit" to keep the polar ice caps frozen, while explaining that he needs his five aircraft because he's famous and it's a hassle flying commercial. But his environmental profile was likely the last thing on his mind on the trip home. Unspecified technical problems with the airplane forced an emergency landing in Ireland.