Diamond Offers Continental Option For DA42

Diamond Aircraft has certified the Continental Diesel CD-155 engine for retrofit in its DA42 fleet, the company said on Monday. The new option is now available in Europe and Canada, with FAA approval still pending. “Including the CD-155 to the type certificate adds a nice upgrade option for current DA42 TDI owners and operators,” said Ken Suda, president of Technify Motors, the German subsidiary of Continental Motors Group.

Diamond Aircraft has certified the Continental Diesel CD-155 engine for retrofit in its DA42 fleet, the company said on Monday. The new option is now available in Europe and Canada, with FAA approval still pending. "Including the CD-155 to the type certificate adds a nice upgrade option for current DA42 TDI owners and operators," said Ken Suda, president of Technify Motors, the German subsidiary of Continental Motors Group. The FADEC-controlled four-cylinder engine can run on either jet fuel or diesel, or any mixture of the two, according to Continental, at a rate of about five gallons per hour. It's approved for use with a three-blade variable-pitch propeller.

Owners of DA42s looking for an engine upgrade can also choose an Austro engine or the Canadian Lycoming version, the company said. "For Diamond Aircraft it is very important to offer our customers possibilities to maintain the value of their aircraft," said Christian Dries, CEO of Diamond Aircraft Austria. "Particularly for those who have purchased their Diamond plane before 2009." Technify is also working to have the CD-155 approved for retrofit in the GA fleet in China. The company said it expects that approval sometime this year.