Airport Courtesy Car App Released
New Airport Courtesy Car Smart Phone App list over 1000 locations nationwide with crew cars/courtesy transportation. The app is available in the Android/Google Play Store and the Apple iPhone Store.
"Aviation Courtesy Cars" is a recently released phone app that lists airports that have crew cars and courtesy transportation nationwide. Currently it lists almost 1100 locations, with new locations added daily.
Listings are in a state by state format and on a Google map. Phone numbers are shown for the businesses that can be dialed directly from the app. Coupons are being added also which will offer discounts for pilots at local cafe's and hotels. Please note at the present time this is a phone app only, so if you search for it on your tablet it will not show. You can load it on an iPad by searching for iPhone apps from your iPad.
Contact the developer directly from the app, or email him at for more information.
Editorial StaffAVweb
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