PS Engineering New Digital Audio Controller Press Release

PS Engineering has been designing leading edge audio controllers for over 30 years. Our first special mission audio controller began shipping in 2017 and went immediately into the development into the next step in audio controllers. So this Thursday we will be announcing the PAC45A with MuliTalker(TM) Technology.


February 28, 2019, Lenoir City, TN

For almost 35 years, PS Engineering has established itself as the premier audio control manufacturer in General Aviation. Today, PS Engineering is the only company providing an FAA TSO'd special mission audio controller with MultiTalker(TM), a 3-Dimensional sound placement system to help pilots differentiate the various radios they monitor simultaneously.

Since the original PAC45 was introduced in 2017, the company has been hyper-focused on customer feedback, developing the next logical step in special mission audio controller. The result is the PAC45A. The PAC45A adds capabilities that more demanding users require. It accommodates up to 4 individual control heads, interfaces to 8 Com radios and 8 switched receiver inputs, has flightmate(R) with 9 customizable audio alerts, and incorporates two built-in speaker amplifiers, all with a single interface HUB. It also has dual CVR outputs.

And while USAF's MultiTalker(TM) technology has grabbed all of the headlines, just as important are the 2 years of PIREPs that allowed PS Engineering to incorporate new capabilities in the PAC45 platform, benefiting the pilots. As a result, this all-digital, FAA TSO'd audio controller has the best price/performance balance available with Design Assurance Level C.

The 9-place hi-fi stereo intercom has IntelliVox(R) (AutoVOX) and PTT-ICS. Bluetooth(R) interface for wireless telephone and music streaming is available. An external Bluetooth antenna is provided to assure plenty of signal strength in the cabin. The audio panel has both individual and master radio volume controls. Offside Com allows monitoring other Coms when transmitting. The PAC45A also includes a Radio Receive Indicator (RXI) and comes standard with Remote ICS and Swap switch capabilities.

With PAC45 installations world-wide and in a wide range of platforms, PS Engineering is ready to set the standard in the rotorcraft world.