Podcast: Niloofar Rahmani, Afghan Woman Pilot Pioneer
The most improbable hands to ever handle the controls of an airplane belong to Niloofar Rahmani. She was born in Afghanistan just as the Soviet Union was departing her country as the repressive Taliban became dominant. A captain in the Afghan Air Force, she was the first woman in the country’s history to become a pilot. Rahmani spoke at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring this week. AVweb recorded this exclusive podcast with her during the show.
The most improbable hands to ever handle the controls of an airplane belong to Niloofar Rahmani. She was born in Afghanistan just as the Soviet Union was departing her country as the repressive Taliban became dominant. A captain in the Afghan Air Force, she was the first woman in the country's history to become a pilot. Rahmani spoke at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring this week. AVweb recorded this exclusive podcast with her during the show.
Duration: 8:39
File Size: 8.3 MB download here

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