FAA Announces UAS Rulemaking Committee Members
Fifty-eight aviation stakeholders have been named members of the FAA’s unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) Detection and Mitigation Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee. Established last March, the committee is tasked with ensuring…

Fifty-eight aviation stakeholders have been named members of the FAA’s unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) Detection and Mitigation Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee. Established last March, the committee is tasked with ensuring that “new technologies designed to detect and mitigate risks from errant or hostile UAS do not adversely impact the safe and efficient operation of the nation’s airspace.” According to the committee’s charter, the members (PDF) were selected based their familiarity with aircraft technology and operations, the national airspace system and aviation infrastructure, UAS detection and mitigation technology and operations, and existing FAA regulations and standards.
“The FAA understands the potential risk posed by drones in the hands of unwelcome actors and we want to involve the entire industry in finding and using safe solutions,” said FAA Acting Associate Administrator for Security and Hazardous Materials Safety Tonya Coultas.
The UAS Detection and Mitigation Systems Aviation Rulemaking Committee is expected to begin work later this month. The committee will be co-chaired by Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) executive vice president Michael Robbins, Airports Council International-North America executive vice president Matt Cornelius and FAA Acting Executive Director of UAS Security Abigail Smith. A final report is slated to be published in early 2024.