AirVenture 2019 NOTAM Posted
The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has announced that the AirVenture Oshkosh Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for the organizations annual fly-in convention taking place July 22-28 at Wittman Regional Airport (KOSH) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is now available.

The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has announced that the AirVenture Oshkosh Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for the organization's annual fly-in convention taking place July 22-28 at Wittman Regional Airport (KOSH) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is now available. This year's edition institutes several changes to past practices including new procedures for aircraft diversions to Fond du Lac airport (KFDL) if KOSH closes, removal of restrictions on transponder use, IFR routing changes, and multiple changes to ultralight and homebuilt rotorcraft arrival and departure procedures.
"EAA and pilots offered numerous recommendations for the AirVenture arrival procedures, some of which were approved by FAA for 2019. It's especially important all pilots flying to Oshkosh read and understand this year's NOTAM," said EAA Vice President of Advocacy and Safety Sean Elliott. "In addition, the FAA is establishing a safety risk management panel to review the other recommendations, in which EAA will participate. EAA wishes to see an expedient process to update the Oshkosh NOTAM, but understands FAA's mandate to prevent unintended negative consequences that may come as part of any change."
Also new for 2019 are changes to Oshkosh arrival "best practices," such as procedures to limit the impact of VFR mass arrivals, development of a text message system to keep pilots informed of KOSH current status for arrivals, and ATC utilization of a ground stop/delay system out to 150 miles. The NOTAM will be in effect from 6 a.m. CDT on Friday, July 19, until noon CDT on July 29. Digital and print versions of the NOTAM are available at or Other logistical updates at AirVenture this year include an expansion of the South 40 area, which adds 17 acres of space for aircraft parking and camping.