AeroSys ‘Goose’ Pilot Assist App Claims 10,000 Downloads

AeroSys Technologies followed up on the introduction of its AI-based “Goose” voice-actuated pilot assistance application at the Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo this spring. According to founder and CEO Mirko…

AeroSys Technologies followed up on the introduction of its AI-based “Goose” voice-actuated pilot assistance application at the Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo this spring. According to founder and CEO Mirko Hahn, speaking at EAA AirVenture, more than 10,000 pilots have downloaded the free application since its introduction. With more than 2,700 downloads the week it launched at Sun ‘n Fun, Kahn expressed high hopes for even greater success at AirVenture.

AeroSys sees its app as a means of bringing the experience and redundancy of multi-crew flight to single-pilot operations. Designed to run on Apple iPhones and iPads (Android versions run about eight to 10 weeks behind, Kahn said) Goose can run voice-activated checklists and monitor VFR and IFR flight plans, as would a second pilot.

Kahn said the system integrates with ForeFlight for hands-free support with ADS-B, weather and traffic.

As an aviation-specific product, AeroSys says of the Goose app, “Only a few people would understand expressions like ‘Zulu time’, ‘tree’ or ‘niner.’ Goose does. Trained to have a deep understanding of aviation phraseology, you can talk to Goose like a human co-pilot—directly via your headset.”

Soon to launch will be voice-activated autopilot commands such as altitude and heading hold.

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.