
Our story in Monday’s issue about the reorganization of Boeing’s Air Traffic Management division used the term dissolved to describe the division’s move to become part of Boeing’s Phantom Works research arm. Boeing assures us the ATM has not been dissolved but, as our story also said, will continue to work on an advanced air traffic control system.As we reported in Monday’s edition of AVflash, Venture Development Corp. (VDC) is conducting a Web-based market survey on in-flight datalink weather options. Response to the survey was so high that VDC reached its limit of 1000 respondents by early Monday and readers who reached the site later weren’t able to access certain pages. However, we’re told their names were still placed in the hat for the drawing. VDC has awarded AVweb reader Tom Ahonen of Blaine, Minn., with a $1000 gift certificate to Sporty’s Pilot Shop.

Our story in Monday's issue about the reorganization of Boeing's Air Traffic Management division used the term dissolved to describe the division's move to become part of Boeing's Phantom Works research arm. Boeing assures us the ATM has not been dissolved but, as our story also said, will continue to work on an advanced air traffic control system.

Venture Development Corp. has awarded AVweb reader Tom Ahonen of Blaine, Minn., with a $1000 gift certificate to Sporty's Pilot Shop. His name was drawn at random from about 1000 entries submitted earlier this week. As we reported in Monday's edition of AVflash, Venture Development is conducting a Web-based market survey on in-flight datalink weather options. Response to the survey was so high that VDC reached its limit of 1000 respondents by early Monday and readers who reached the site later weren't able to access some pages. However, their names were still placed in the hat for the drawing. We apologize for not reporting the limitation on survey respondents.