
That time-honored maxim to always read the fine print never found a better journalistic application than Monday’s edition of AVweb. We originally carried a story, based on an AOPA news release, that the FAA had issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking requiring “hijack” transponders in all GA aircraft. Turns out the AOPA release was wrong and the NPRM applies only to Part 121 aircraft. Although we routinely verify these types of stories to ensure their accuracy, we didn’t check closely enough on this one (and neither did AOPA). Buried near the end of the NPRM is a single sentence that stipulates the NPRM is for the big iron only — at least for now. It does open the door a crack to spreading the requirement to other classes of airplanes and invites comments to say why that shouldn’t be so. Those comments can be made online, referencing docket number FAA-2002-14081.

That time-honored maxim to always read the fine print never found a better journalistic application than Monday's edition of AVweb. We originally carried a story, based on an AOPA news release, that the FAA had issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking requiring "hijack" transponders in all GA aircraft. Turns out the AOPA release was wrong and the NPRM applies only to Part 121 aircraft. Although we routinely verify these types of stories to ensure their accuracy, we didn't check closely enough on this one (and neither did AOPA). Buried near the end of the NPRM is a single sentence that stipulates the NPRM is for the big iron only -- at least for now. It does open the door a crack to spreading the requirement to other classes of airplanes and invites comments to say why that shouldn't be so. Those comments can be made online, referencing docket number FAA-2002-14081.