FAA Air Show Policy Changes OK With EAA
The FAA has listened to the concerns of EAA and the air show community, and an updated list of changes to air show policies shows that most of EAA’s recommendations will be included when the policies are updated, EAA said on Monday. “We are very pleased that FAA worked with EAA, the International Council of Air Shows and other groups as the agency developed these policy statements,” said Earl Lawrence, EAA’s vice president of industry and regulatory affairs. The tweaks mean that warbird shows will still be able to enter the show airspace from different directions, when flying above 1,000 AGL. Media photographers will still be allowed to approach closer than the general public. Also, landmarks will still be OK to use as corner markers for airspace boxes when practical.
The FAA has listened to the concerns of EAA and the air show community, and an updated list of changes to air show policies shows that most of EAA's recommendations will be included when the policies are updated, EAA said on Monday. "We are very pleased that FAA worked with EAA, the International Council of Air Shows and other groups as the agency developed these policy statements," said Earl Lawrence, EAA's vice president of industry and regulatory affairs. The tweaks mean that warbird shows will still be able to enter the show airspace from different directions, when flying above 1,000 AGL. Media photographers will still be allowed to approach closer than the general public. Also, landmarks will still be OK to use as corner markers for airspace boxes when practical. "FAA has worked with air show and aerobatic groups to maintain the best level of air show safety in the world, while not causing unnecessary costs for air show organizers or hampering displays of historic and vintage aircraft," Lawrence said.