FAA Provides Graphical TFRs

A picture is sometimes worth thousands and thousands of words. Alphabet groups and others have drained a few ink barrels in their quest to make the FAA supply graphical TFRs and it looks like the FAA has finally listened. The most recent batch of TFRs around military installations now comes with graphics on the FAA Web site. AOPA President Phil Boyer recently lobbied key Congress committee members to order the agency to provide the graphics as part of the upcoming funding allocations.

A picture is sometimes worth thousands and thousands of words. Alphabet groups and others have drained a few ink barrels in their quest to make the FAA supply graphical TFRs and it looks like the FAA has finally listened. The most recent batch of TFRs around military installations now comes with graphics on the FAA Web site. AOPA President Phil Boyer recently lobbied key Congress committee members to order the agency to provide the graphics as part of the upcoming funding allocations. Boyer also asked the FAA to make the graphics available on DUATS. Thanks to the war in Iraq and the increased security posture, there are dozens of TFRs throughout the country and Boyer said the graphics would help ensure compliance. The FAA action seems to keep a promise made by FAA administrator Marion Blakey. "You need a good picture. You're going to get it," she is quoted as saying at last year's AOPA Expo. AOPA is also asking Congress to ensure that the Transportation Security Administration is consulted on all TFRs "to prevent a proliferation of politically driven, non-security-related airspace restrictions ..."