Glider Pilots Plug Security
While it might be considered unlikely that gliders will be used to rain terror from the skies, the Soaring Society of America is trying to minimize even the remote chance that the perception exists. And along they way, the group has prepared a thoughtful and comprehensive guide to everyday security that could apply to almost any aviation environment. “The promotion of responsible flying and enlightened security conscientiousness (sic) will help in assuaging public fears of general aviation,” says the group’s Secure Our Aviation Resources (SOAR) program guide.
While it might be considered unlikely that gliders will be used to rain terror from the skies, the Soaring Society of America is trying to minimize even the remote chance that the perception exists. And along they way, the group has prepared a thoughtful and comprehensive guide to everyday security that could apply to almost any aviation environment. "The promotion of responsible flying and enlightened security conscientiousness (sic) will help in assuaging public fears of general aviation," says the group's Secure Our Aviation Resources (SOAR) program guide. The guide doesn't really break new ground in any of the common-sense suggestions it makes regarding aircraft, ramp and airport security issues, but it does put them all in a logical and reasonable package that wouldn't hurt any pilot to read from time to time. If you want a copy for your hangar or the club bulletin board go to the SOAR Web site.