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AIRMANSHIP Father’s Day TFRTo avoid those ubiquitous Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs), it should be sufficient to get a briefing from Flight Service and ask for all the pertinent TFRs for your route. How wrong you would be … _____________WHAT’S NEW What’s New For OctoberThis month AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a ground security lock, flight crew safety training, books, DVDs, artwork and more.
Father's Day TFR
To avoid those ubiquitous Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs), it should be sufficient to get a briefing from Flight Service and ask for all the pertinent TFRs for your route. How wrong you would be ...
What's New For October
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you a ground security lock, flight crew safety training, books, DVDs, artwork and more.
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