Wrong TFR Or … ?

Boston is off-limits to most GA aircraft starting today for the Democratic National Convention but if you’re headed that way, anyway, it might pay to give the 30-nm TFR more than “a few” miles berth. A writer to AVweb says the graphic depiction and written narrative of the TFR don’t line up and there’s a 1.5-mile discrepancy between them. We couldn’t reach anyone at the FAA to confirm our reader’s analysis but it seems like a good precaution to not tempt fate (or NORAD) on this one. Think it might be easier to just drive? Think again. Of course, no one’s saying you won’t be detained for an hour of questioning regardless of route, method of transportation … or merit badges.

Boston is off-limits to most GA aircraft starting today for the Democratic National Convention but if you're headed that way, anyway, it might pay to give the 30-nm TFR more than "a few" miles berth. A writer to AVweb says the graphic depiction and written narrative of the TFR don't line up and there's a 1.5-mile discrepancy between them. We couldn't reach anyone at the FAA to confirm our reader's analysis but it seems like a good precaution to not tempt fate (or NORAD) on this one. Think it might be easier to just drive? Think again. Of course, no one's saying you won't be detained for an hour of questioning regardless of route, method of transportation ... or merit badges. While pilots (perhaps with some justification) are grousing about the TFR, ground-bound visitors to Boston will suffer TFR-like inconvenience anywhere near the FleetCenter convention hall where the Democrats will meet. The security is so strict that workers have been asked by the city to take the week off. The main route through town, Interstate 93, is closed during convention hours as is the Boston subway's North Station. Anyone venturing into the area will be met with security checks and razor wire will be an architectural accent almost everywhere. But it's not the politicians who are in the most need of protection this time around. The media is apparently the focus of some sort of attack, possibly with "explosives or incendiary devices." Makes us glad to be going to Oshkosh ...