Congress Approves AIR-21 (H.R. 1000)
Links to the final conference report on H.R. 1000, the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, or AIR-21, plus additional background files.
Below are links to the final conference report on H.R. 1000, the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, or AIR-21, plus additional background files.
- Conference Report (final version of the bill, including discussion of how amendments were handled) (Adobe PDF file, 565 Kb)
- House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Summary
- Estimated FY 2001 State Apportionment
- Estimated FY2001 Primary Airport Entitlements
- Estimated General Aviation Summary (Funding-by-State - small airports)
- Estimated General Aviation Detailed Report - AK to MA (Funding-by-Airport - small airports) (Adobe PDF)
- Estimated General Aviation Detailed Report - MD to WY (Funding-by-Airport - small airports) (Adobe PDF)
- Estimated FY2001 AIP distribution
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