Question of the Week

This week, AVweb looks to the future and asks you to speculate on some of the possible perks of a privatized ATC system. Are pilots overlooking the upsides of privatization? Plus: Results of last week’s question on whether LSA is fulfilling its promise to break down barriers and bring new pilots into aviation.


LSA has officially been with us for more than a year now - and lastweek AVweb asked if the Sport Pilot Rule is really bringing new pilotsinto the fold.

The greater part of you who took time to answer last week's question(46%, to be exact) thought said NO. The barrier isn'ttraining; nor is it medical considerations, you wrote. Thebarrier is money.

A much smaller (but still notable) 14% of our readership said that YES, Sport Pilot has removed some of the barriers thatprevent new pilots from taking up flying. According to thosereaders, we should expect a steady and growing flow of sport pilotsas the years go by.

Another significant segment of respondents, 37%, told us to insteadexpect old pilots to retire to Sport Pilot status, [but] don't expecta big influx of new pilot starts due to the Sport Pilot rules.

Finally, 13 readers (3% of the total response group) told us thatgrowing the pilot pool is not what Sport Pilot is about. It'sabout legalizing fat ultralights, you said, and it's done that.

For real-time results of last week's question, click here.


This week, AVweb looks to the future and asks you to speculate onsome of the possible perks of a privatized ATC system. Are pilotsoverlooking the upsides of privatization?

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