Question of the Week: Is It Time for a (Mandatory) ELT Upgrade?
The NTSB is recommending the FAA require newer 406Mz emergency locator transmitters in all aircraft, preferably by February 2009. This would require many upgrades, but according to the NTSB would greatly increase rescuers’ ability to locate downed aircraft. This week, we want to know what you think about a mandatory upgrade to 406Mz ELTs. Plus: Where did AVweb readers fly this summer? Find out how your fellow readers answered last week’s Question.
Last week, we asked the standard back-to-school question: What did you do (or, more appropriately, where did you fly) on your summer vacation?
The biggest group of respondents (34% of those who took time to answer our Question) told us they didn't do much out of the ordinary - just flew around the patch a bit.
Another 13% were brave enough to fly into The World's Busiest Control Tower for Oshkosh.
For a complete breakdown of responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
The NTSB is recommending the FAA require newer 406Mz emergency locator transmitters in all aircraft, preferably by February 2009. This would require many upgrades, but according to the NTSB would greatly increase rescuers' ability to locate downed aircraft.
What do you think: Should the FAA require 406MHz ELTs?
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