…As SR22 Lands In Florida Trees…

Early news reports about Saturday’s incident in Florida say the pilot experienced “mechanical difficulties” or an “engine failure” shortly after taking off about 10 a.m., bound for Palm Beach. Cirrus spokesman Bolinger said that preliminary sketchy reports were that the airplane was being picked up after maintenance, and there was a low overcast and instrument meteorological conditions at the time. The airplane settled in trees in Hampton Pines Park and was slightly damaged on the way down. “It was amazing,” park attendant Humberto Alvarez told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Alvarez said he heard a bang and looked up to see the airplane floating to the ground. “I thought I was dreaming. I said, ‘What the heck is that?'”

Early news reports about Saturday's incident in Florida say the pilot experienced "mechanical difficulties" or an "engine failure" shortly after taking off about 10 a.m., bound for Palm Beach. Cirrus spokesman Bolinger said that preliminary sketchy reports were that the airplane was being picked up after maintenance, and there was a low overcast and instrument meteorological conditions at the time. The airplane settled in trees in Hampton Pines Park and was slightly damaged on the way down. "It was amazing," park attendant Humberto Alvarez told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Alvarez said he heard a bang and looked up to see the airplane floating to the ground. "I thought I was dreaming. I said, 'What the heck is that?'"