…CHANGES: Medical Qualifications Altered…
Key among the provisions in the new rule is the driver’s license as proof of medical fitness. Essentially, almost anyone who has a valid driver’s license can legally fly an LSA. But there are caveats, some of them legal, some of them moral. On the legal side, anyone who has been denied a third-class medical will not be issued a Sport Pilot certificate even if they have a driver’s license. They must satisfy the FAA that the medical condition that prompted the previous denial has been fixed or is under control. But there’s also the onus of self-certification on the pilot.
Key among the provisions in the new rule is the driver's license as proof of medical fitness. Essentially, almost anyone who has a valid driver's license can legally fly an LSA. But there are caveats, some of them legal, some of them moral. On the legal side, anyone who has been denied a third-class medical will not be issued a Sport Pilot certificate even if they have a driver's license. They must satisfy the FAA that the medical condition that prompted the previous denial has been fixed or is under control. But there's also the onus of self-certification on the pilot. Although there's not much the FAA can do to prevent someone with serious health problems who's never applied for a medical from hopping in the left seat, it does ask that prospective pilots use common sense and consult with their doctors before starting to fly.