Sun ‘n Fun Opens: No Gloom In Lakeland
Even as GA mourns the loss of Meigs field and frets over lost jobs in Wichita, the Sun ‘n Fun spring fly-in opened under cool and sunny skies, albeit with sparse crowds many attributed to war jitters and the shift from a Sunday to a Wednesday opening. Nonetheless, New Piper is bullish, rolling out two new models, and Garmin announced a slick new primary flight display system for the planed Mustang personal jet. For details on these developments and more, see AVweb’s opening day Sun ‘n Fun coverage.
Even as GA mourns the loss of Meigs field and frets over lost jobs in Wichita, the Sun 'n Fun spring fly-in opened under cool and sunny skies, albeit with sparse crowds many attributed to war jitters and the shift from a Sunday to a Wednesday opening. Nonetheless, New Piper is bullish, rolling out two new models, and Garmin announced a slick new primary flight display system for the planed Mustang personal jet. For details on these developments and more, see AVweb's opening day Sun 'n Fun coverage.
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