…With Planes of Yesteryear, Pilots Of Today…
Many of the pilots who pioneered aviation flew in the original tours, including Walter Beech, Eddie Stinson, and Anthony H.G. Fokker. This year, our very own AVweb contributor Brent Blue will be participating in the tour, as one of a group of “rotating pilots.” Brent and company will be flying many of the airplanes seen in the 1931 event.
Many of the pilots who pioneered aviation flew in the original tours, including Walter Beech, Eddie Stinson, and Anthony H.G. Fokker. This year, our very own AVweb contributor Brent Blue will be participating in the tour, as one of a group of "rotating pilots." Brent and company will be flying many of the airplanes seen in the 1931 event. In fact, 27 rare and vintage aircraft will take to the skies for the celebration. The list of airborne beauties includes a Ryan M-1, two Waco ASOs, a Fairchild FC-2W2, two Stearman Speedmails, a Buhl Airsedan, Bird CK, Stinson SM8A, three Ford Tri-motors, and a Laird Speedwing. Oh, let's not forget about the FAA's last DC-3 too.
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