Video of the Week: Bombardier CL-415 Canadair Heavy Water Bombers in Action

With fire-fighting season upon us, we’d like to call your attention to the amazing heavy water bombers that turn the tide of so many forest fire battles in North America each year. This week’s clip comes to us from the folks at Dryden Regional Airport in Ontario, Canada. Take a quick fly-along with two of their Canadair Bombardier CL-415s as they pick up water and make a drop. And for more on Ontario’s fire-fighting flyers, check out the province’s Aviation and Forest Fire Management division. (Click through to watch.)

With fire-fighting season upon us, we'd like to call your attention to the amazing heavy water bombers that turn the tide of so many forest fire battles in North America each year. This week's clip comes to us from the folks at Dryden Regional Airport in Ontario, Canada. Take a quick fly-along with two of their Canadair Bombardier CL-415s as they pick up water and make a drop. And for more on Ontario's fire-fighting flyers, check out the province's Aviation and Forest Fire Management division.

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