Yves Rossy Meets TED And Forms Up With Jet Team (Video)
TED, a nonprofit “devoted to ideas worth spreading,” has released a video interview of JetMan Yves Rossy, and Rossy himself has generated yet another flight video after joining with two Breitling Jet Team L-39C Albatros jets for a formation flight. Where the new formation video showcases Rossy’s in-flight control, the TED video helps to explain it. Rossy flies strapped to a two-meter wing powered by four microturbines. The engines together generate roughly 200 pounds of thrust and burn their entire fuel supply in less than ten minutes. The wing has no control surfaces. The TED video also provides candid insight into Rossy’s failed attempt to cross the Strait of Gibraltar. The 52-year-old pilot has successfully flown his rig cross the English Channel and a section of the Grand Canyon.
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TED, a nonprofit "devoted to ideas worth spreading," has released a video interview of JetMan Yves Rossy, and Rossy himself has generated yet another flight video after joining with two Breitling Jet Team L-39C Albatros jets for a formation flight. Where the new formation video showcases Rossy's in-flight control, the TED video helps to explain it. Rossy flies strapped to a two-meter wing powered by four microturbines. The engines together generate roughly 200 pounds of thrust and burn their entire fuel supply in less than ten minutes. The wing has no control surfaces. The TED video also provides candid insight into Rossy's failed attempt to cross the Strait of Gibraltar. The 52-year-old pilot has successfully flown his rig across the English Channel and a section of the Grand Canyon.