BendixKing KX155/165 Radio: Obsolete Display Creates Refurb Program

BendixKing says the gas discharge display assemblies for the venerable KX155 navcomm radio has become obsolete, but that has birthed a cosmetic refurbishment program, which also includes an LCD replacement display with increased longevity, plus a cosmetic overhaul.

If you own a BendixKing KX155 or KX165-series navcomm radio, there is a good chance it has been across an avionics repair bench for a gas discharge display replacement. That's an easy fix, but the obsolescence of the component will make future repairs more complex and expensive. BendixKing has a solution with a new LCD display—a modification that promises longer service life—but at a substantial cost, compared to the older gas discharge display. It also prompted BendixKing to create a factory refurbishment program (through a service bulletin) for the front end of KX155(A) and KX165(A) radios, which will carry a one-year warranty. The $1750 factory refurbishment includes a replacement bezel, lenses, knobs and of course the LCD display.

The ultimate repair cost will depend on the condition of the rest of the radio and whether or not other repairs are required, but the price of the new LCD display is sharply higher than the gas discharge display it replaced, which had a list price of $507. The cost of the kit to convert to the LCD display in the field is $1333, (which also includes a small PC board and discrete components). This doesn't include shop labor, which could take a couple of hours to accomplish the initial conversion.