Sensenich Gets Prop STC For Piper Super Cub
Sensenich Propellers has received a supplemental type certificate (STC) for the installation of its carbon fiber short takeoff and landing (STOL) propeller on Piper Super Cub aircraft. The STC for…

Image: Sensenich
Sensenich Propellers has received a supplemental type certificate (STC) for the installation of its carbon fiber short takeoff and landing (STOL) propeller on Piper Super Cub aircraft. The STC for the two-blade, ground-adjustable prop covers Super Cubs powered by Lycoming O-320 engines. According to the company, the STC is now available and shipment of preordered propellers is underway.
“Extensive testing was performed during the certification project in both Alaska and Texas,” Sensenich said. “Reduced weight, increased responsiveness, and increased operational flexibility are clear benefits of this high-performance propeller. In addition, this propeller’s innovative pitch adjustment feature and stainless steel leading edge protection gives the customer maximum performance in multiple harsh and dynamic operating conditions.”
Pricing will be $6350 for the propeller and $735 for the spinner through the AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in, going up on Aug. 1 to $7250 for the propeller and $785 for the spinner. Sensenich reported that it is also working on projects including FAA approval for carbon fiber ground-adjustable propeller STCs for Lycoming O-320-powered Cessna 172s and propeller type certification for 65- to 140-horsepower four-cylinder Continental and Lycoming engines. Sensenich, which got its start with wooden propellers in the early 1930s, introduced carbon fiber props to its lineup in the late 1990s.