Refurb of the Month: Don Toy’s Cessna 150F
With refurbs gaining momentum, we’re seeing more restoration of modest airplanes, especially Cessna 150s, which are among the most economical airplanes to own and fly. Don Toy of Homesteand, Iowa, recently sent us this report on his refurb.

With refurbs gaining momentum, we're seeing more restoration of modest airplanes, especially Cessna 150s, which are among the most economical airplanes to own and fly. Don Toy of Homestead, Iowa, recently sent us this report on his refurb.
"Here is my project of the last year. I boughta 1966 Cessna 150F model of a friend whose husband had passed away. He started the project many years prior but got ill and was unable to finish. I went on from there. New paint. New Interior, saving for avionics. Paint is back to the same scheme that came out of the factory, with minor adjustments."

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