Update: The New 406 MHz ELTs

Now that several manufacturers have come to market with new 406 MHz ELTs, and some have become available that transmit on both the old (121.500 and 243.00 MHz) and new (406 MHz) frequencies, you may be wondering if you should replace your aging ELT or just stick with what you have. AVweb’s avionics guru explains that the new units have some compelling advantages, but suggests it might be a bit early to switch and offers some knowledgeable guidance.

AvionicsAll ELTs have one thing in common, their main purpose is to notify potential rescuers(by different means) that an aircraft has run into a solid object and someone could be inneed of help. But the technology for doing this is in the midst of a big change.

Most current ELTs operate at 121.50 and 243.00 Mhz. This signal can be traced by somesatellites, Civil Air Patrol, and picked up by the military on the 243.00 MHz frequency.But these frequencies are too low for pinpoint location by satellite. The satellites'accuracy is normally around 20 kilometers at best, and that's quite a radius to searchespecially if the fallen aircraft is covered by trees. The Civil Air Patrol says it canoften take 1015 hours to locate a downed aircraft once the satellite tells them where tolook.

I'd hate to be pinned upside down in a Beech, Cessna or Piper for that long. Of courseit could be worse, like being upside down in a Grumman Tiger or a Lancair...

Why 406 MHz is better

The new 406 MHz ELT frequency is optimized for accurate satellite location. It providesa far better signal-to-noise ratio, and the satellites love a clear signal to listen to.The new satellites that listen to 406 Mhz also have the capability of looking at a lotmore data and locating signals with far greater accuracy.

Each new 406 Mhz ELT has a discrete digital code that it transmits up to the satellite.The satellite transmits this information back down to the ground. The ground station readsthis code and determines who owns the aircraft and what its tail number is. (When youpurchase a 406 Mhz ELT, there is a card you fill out and mail in that puts you in thedatabase.) I think you can already see how handy this information could be to groundpersonnel.

Satellites can locate a 406 MHz ELT within about two kilometers. That's ten times moreprecise than with 121.50/243.00 signals, and can cut down the search area by a factor of100. I'm told that the average time to find an aircraft with a 406 Mhz ELT is around 4hours, versus 10 to 15 hours with the old system. Those precious hours could be veryimportant if you were hurt or in the vicinity of hungry bears.

From what I hear from the manufacturers, they have never experienced a false alarm withone of the new ELTs. This is probably because of the high-tech "G" switches thenew TSO C126 ELTs now have.

So…upgrade now?

It might be a bit early to get rid of your old 121.50/243.00 MHz ELT, because not allground and air rescue units are yet equipped with direction finding gear to home in on thenew 406 MHz signals. This leaves a couple of options.

You could add a new 406 MHz ELT beside your existing 121.50/243.00 MHz ELT to providethe best of both worlds. This would require adding a second ELT antenna or purchasing adual ELT antenna. You can also purchase a new combination unit that transmits on all threefrequencies.

But you might also want to wait a few more months before doing anything. Plans are inthe works for enhanced 406 MHz ELTs that are hooked to your GPS receiver and will transmityour last known latitude and longitude along with the normal digital aircraft signaturethat all 406 Mhz ELTs transmit. I'm told that the ELT manufacturers expect this newcapability to be available in the third quarter of 1997.

The new top-of-the-line ELTs may cost close to $3,000, but will transmit the owner'sname, tail number and last known position. With this data rescue could be less than anhour! This series of ELTs is aimed for the corporate market but I personally think my lifeis just as valuable as any corporate officer. You may want to give it some thought if youare in the market for a new ELT.

I'd strongly recommend discussing the installation and details with your avionics shop.Things are changing rapidly on the ELT front, and the manufacturers I called andquestioned about the 406 Mhz ELTs were meaner than junk yard dogs. Avionics shops areusually a little kinder.