Pilots Can Now Earn WINGS Credit Through PlaneEnglish ARSim
Users of PlaneEnglish’s Aviation Radio Simulator (ARSim) can now earn credit through the FAA’s WINGS safety program while improving their aviation radio communication skills.
Users of PlaneEnglish’s popular Aviation Radio Simulator (ARSim) can now earn credit through the Federal Aviation Administration’s WINGS safety program while improving their aviation radio communication skills.
The WINGS Program provides learning activities and flight tasks that address known causes of many aircraft accidents and build skills to make safer pilots. Programming includes online courses, seminars, webinars, and courses provided by third-party organizations and businesses like the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Sporty’s, and now PlaneEnglish.
“We’re proud to join the FAA Safety Team,” PlaneEnglish CEO Muharrem Mane said. “Good radio communication skills are critical to making flying safer, which is what inspired us to create our radio simulator. This partnership will allow us to help more pilots increase their confidence and competency in communicating, maintain their comms skills sharp and, we hope, reduce the number of accidents where communication plays a key role.”
PlaneEnglish’s first and free course in the FAA WINGS Program series is ALC-710: Radio communications at non-towered airports using PlaneEnglish ARSim, which may be accessed here and through the ARSim app’s website.
Additional courses will be released soon, including Interactive VFR communications using PlaneEnglish ARSim and Interactive IFR communications using PlaneEnglish ARSim.
All pilots holding a U.S. pilot certificate may participate in the WINGS Program. Student pilots are also encouraged to participate and may access for free Level 1 of the first PlaneEnglish course. Visit the FAA WINGS Program Website to set up a free account and access all the available courses.
The PlaneEnglish Aviation Radio Simulator is available for iOS and Android on the AppStore and Google Play Store. The app offers a seven-day free trial as well as customization options and licenses for flight schools and other institutions interested in using the app in group settings.
Headquartered at the Purdue Research Park, PlaneEnglish also offers a companion comms manual, “The Easy Route to Aviation Radio Proficiency: Training Manual with Activities Using ARSim Aviation Radio Simulator”, and ATSim, an app-based simulation comms trainer for air traffic controllers.