Question Of The Week

Does the average pilot’s sense of invincibility increase when flying an aircraft with an parachute recovery system? This week, AVweb wants to hear your opinion on the psychological effect of airplane parachutes on a pilot. Plus: Results of last week’s question — how much will your candidate’s stance on user fees affect your vote at the polls?


Election Day is just around the corner, and last week AVweb asked whether your local Congressional candidates' stance on user fees would play a big role in determining your vote on November 7.

Not surprisingly, a majority of the readers who responded to our poll (58% to be exact) said Yes, user fees would be a major issue for them at the polls.

Another 22% of you told us that user fees would affect your decision a little but wouldn't be the most important factor in your vote.

And 20% of you said your candidates' views on user fees wouldn't affect your vote at all.

See a complete breakdown of last week's poll answers here.


This week, AVweb wants to know what you think about parachute recovery systems and how they affect the attitude of the average pilot. Does a pilot's sense of invincibility increase when flying an aircraft with such a system?

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