Short Final: Mistaken Identity

I fly a rather obscure aircraft for the Coast Guard: the HC-144, a twin turboprop about the size of a Dash 8. With the Coast Guard call-sign it is also…

Image: U.S. Coast Guard

I fly a rather obscure aircraft for the Coast Guard: the HC-144, a twin turboprop about the size of a Dash 8. With the Coast Guard call-sign it is also often assumed we are a helicopter, resulting in the following exchanges throughout my time:

While at 15,000 feet, 225 TAS: “What type helicopter is that, a Chinook?”

While on approach:

Approach: “Cessna 123 follow the Coast Guard helicopter. Number two for the runway.”

Us: “Approach, we’re a twin turboprop.”

Approach: “Roger, sorry. Cessna 123, follow the light twin.”

Close enough.

While landing:

Tower: “Coast Guard, cleared direct to the ramp, landing at your own risk.”

Me: “Well, I could maybe do that once but I’d prefer the runway.”

Tower: “Ah, I take it you’re fixed wing!”

LT Nathan Souleret
Coast Guard Air Station Miami, FL