TSA Watch I: FAA’s Foot-Dragging

This issue’s TSA Watch feature includes not one, but two items of interest for readers. The first item is to update readers about something on which AVweb’s Business AVflash has reported before: the FAA’s failure to comply with the law. As AVweb reported on March 17, the FAA still hasn’t submitted a required report to Congress “containing an explanation of the need for” the Washington ADIZ.

This issue's TSA Watch feature includes not one, but two items of interest for readers. The first item is to update readers about something on which AVweb's Business AVflash has reported before: the FAA's failure to comply with the law. As AVweb reported on March 17, the FAA still hasn't submitted a required report to Congress "containing an explanation of the need for" the Washington ADIZ. When we first noted the agency's lack of alacrity, the calendar said the agency was two months late. Now, the FAA is fully three months behind. And counting. AOPA recently reminded Congress about the FAA's failure to comply with its mandate, but none of the other members of aviation's alphabet soup have followed up.