Aspen Avionics: New Software Fix For FAA AD
If you have an Aspen Avionics retrofit EFIS display hit by the FAA’s Airworthiness Directive, you’re in luck. The company announced a fix with field-uploadable software.

The FAA issued Airworthiness Directive 2019-01-02 back in February 2019 to address a safety-of-flight-issue with many Aspen Avionics Evolution flight displays, and the company this week announced a fix with a new software modification.
The AD affected Aspen Evolution Flight Displays (EFD1000/500) loaded with software version 2.9 because of the potential for uncommanded inflight resetting of the display. This anomaly affects Aspen displays interfaced with ADS-B FIS-B-equipped transceivers and transponders, and the condition can occur when certain ADS-B data is received.
The fix is accomplished through Aspen's Service Bulletin SB-2019-01, which includes loading Aspen software version The software is free of charge and can be accomplished at authorized Aspen Avionics dealerships.
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