Dallas Airmotive Positions for the Future, Announces Moves and New Test Facility
Following branding initiative, company rejuvenates organization with technology, optimization and plans for a new test facility

DALLAS - March 5, 2014 - Dallas Airmotive, a BBA Aviation company providing global MRO service and support for business aircraft turbine engines, today announced company plans to begin a phased transition out of one of its three repair and overhaul locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The move will allow Dallas Airmotive to consolidate portions of its turbine engine repair and overhaul (ERO) activities and build a state-of-the-art test facility in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. "Our Forest Park facility has been the major overhaul center for Dallas Airmotive for more than 60 years," said Doug Meador, Dallas Airmotive President. "We have recognized the need to exit this location for some time and we are taking this opportunity to invest in our company and prepare for the next 60 years." Meador revealed that the move is part of the company's long-term strategy and is taking a phased approach that will take about two years. "This is an evolution and expansion of our company and the way we do business," he said. "Right now we are in the initial phases, transitioning several product lines from our Forest Park facility to other, newer facilities in the area." These initial phase product lines will be moving to the company's Heritage Park facility, near DFW airport, and to its facility on Dallas Love Field (DAL). The company expects the transitions to be completed by the end of June. The company is also moving its highly trained engineers, engine technicians, mechanics, specialists and quality inspectors with the product lines. This will allow Dallas Airmotive to retain its product-specific expertise and experience at these newer locations. The move is expected to offer advantages that will be recognized by customers and the company alike. "We are investing in technology and upgrading our facility at Heritage Park to become a center of excellence for turbo fans and we are redesigning our facility at Dallas Love Field to accommodate more engine volume," continued Meador. "These newer, more advanced facilities will allow us to better serve our customers with industry leading turn-times and customer service." NEW TEST CELL FACILTY PLANNED The company also made public its intent to build a green-field, state-of-the-art test facility in the DFW area. This new facility will include the latest, most-advanced test technology and will be capable of testing all engines currently done at the Forest Park facility. The company said it expects that the facility will be completed and operational by March 2015. "In this new testfacility, we will have the chance to grow and plan for future engine requirements," explained Meador. "We are planning to build enough thrust capacity into the test cells to accommodate the needs of our current customers as well those of future customers." Meador concluded by saying that the planning for future phases isn't completed yet, but the company expects to announce more information in the coming weeks. Visit www.dallasairmotive.com for more information on Dallas Airmotive.