Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Overheard in Southern Florida: Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.” Cessna:“Ah, we’re headin’ for Tampa.” Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.” Cessna:“Well, okay. We’re headin’ for the LaBelle VOR first and then going on to Tampa.” Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, could you look at your compass and tell me what number is behind the little line?” Cessna:“Oh – you want to know which way we’re going right now. Three five zero, sir.” Jerry ZezasMarathon, Florida
Overheard in Southern Florida:
Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading."
"Ah, we're headin' for Tampa."
Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading."
"Well, okay. We're headin' for the LaBelle VOR first and then going on to Tampa."
Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, could you look at your compass and tell me what number is behind the little line?"
"Oh - you want to know which way we're going right now. Three five zero, sir."
Jerry Zezas
Marathon, Florida
Editorial StaffAVweb
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