Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Overheard in Southern Florida: Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.” Cessna:“Ah, we’re headin’ for Tampa.” Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading.” Cessna:“Well, okay. We’re headin’ for the LaBelle VOR first and then going on to Tampa.” Fort Myers Approach:“Cessna Three Four Alpha, could you look at your compass and tell me what number is behind the little line?” Cessna:“Oh – you want to know which way we’re going right now. Three five zero, sir.” Jerry ZezasMarathon, Florida

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

Overheard in Southern Florida:

Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading."

"Ah, we're headin' for Tampa."

Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, say heading."

"Well, okay. We're headin' for the LaBelle VOR first and then going on to Tampa."

Fort Myers Approach:
"Cessna Three Four Alpha, could you look at your compass and tell me what number is behind the little line?"

"Oh - you want to know which way we're going right now. Three five zero, sir."

Jerry Zezas
Marathon, Florida