Continental Prices Up
If your Continental engine needs replacing anytime soon, a call to TCM now might save you a few thousand dollars later. The company announced an across-the-board price increase of 10 percent for most of its products last week. TopCare cylinders went up 5 percent.
If your Continental engine needs replacing anytime soon, a call to TCM now might save you a few thousand dollars later. The company announced an across-the-board price increase of 10 percent for most of its products last week. TopCare cylinders went up 5 percent. Parts prices went up Dec. 20 but the existing stock of new and remanufactured engines will be sold off on a first-come, first-served basis at the old price. The sales desk has been open over the holidays to accommodate orders. TCM President Bryan Lewis said insurance and the effects of 9/11 are behind the price increases. He noted that there have been no price increases in three of the last seven years.
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