Checklist for Cross-Border Flight Operations
To make your flight from the U.S. to Canada or vice versa easier, use this handy checklist before and during your trip.
- Appropriate charts and Flight Supplements
- Pilot Certificate
- Medical Certificate
- Radiotelephone Operator Permit (required in Canada)
- Notarized letter authorizing children to fly in Canada/United States (only if accompanied by one parent)
- Proof of citizenship
- Passport
- Birth certificate (original or certified true copy)
- Photo ID (required with birth certificate)
- Resident Alien ID Card
- Other Visa documentation as required
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Registration certificate (not temporary certificate)
- Operating limitations
- Weight and balance information
- Experimental Aircraft and Canadian Ultralights-Standardised Validation (for ops in Canada) or Special Flight Authorization (for ops in US)
- Proof of Liability Insurance (required in Canada)
- FAA Form 337 or Canadian equivalent if fuel tanks have been added in baggage or passenger compartments
- Give advance notification to Customs
- U.S. to Canada -- contact Canpass no less than 1 hour before and no more than 72 hours before arrival at 888-CANPASS or 888-226-7277
- Canada to U.S. -- telephone Customs office at Airport of Entry no less than 1 hour or more then 23 hours before arrival; enter ADCUS in "Remarks" block of flight plan form
- File and activate a VFR or IFR flight plan
- Advise Customs if any change in ETA at AOE via ATC/FSS while in flight, get badge number and name of Customs official that ATC/FSS speaks with.
- Make first landing at an Airport of Entry (AOE)
- Taxi to Customs area on ramp
- In U.S. -- Do not be early and no more than 15 minutes off ETA; wait for Customs official to motion you out of aircraft
- In Canada -- find a telephone and call 888-CANPASS, follow directions from Customs official, obtain arrival report number
- If inspected, present documentation as required, fill out any declaration forms and pay appropriate duties and taxes, purchase US$25 Customs annual user fee decal (if required)
- Close Your Flight Plan!
- Follow this checklist again.
Print a printer-friendly version of this checklist to take with you.
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