Eye-Catching Notam For Backcountry Idaho Airstrip

In one of the more unusual Notams published recently, pilots are cautioned that an upcoming maintenance project at the Indian Creek Airstrip (S81) in Idaho includes the “potential for mules…

In one of the more unusual Notams published recently, pilots are cautioned that an upcoming maintenance project at the Indian Creek Airstrip (S81) in Idaho includes the “potential for mules and equipment on the strip and berms” along with uneven ground and loose rocks on the 4,650-foot dirt runway. The project starts tomorrow (May 9) and the warning is in effect from 07:00 local time to 20:00 May 13.

The mules will not start work on the surfaces until mid-morning “to allow for AM traffic” and plans call for the surface to be made clear at the end of each day of the project for the next morning’s operations.

According to online information, S81, elevation 4,656 feet, is one of Idaho’s busiest backcountry strips, depending on water flows in the Middle Fork. Low flows force white-water rafters to launch near the airstrip, increasing air traffic. The airstrip reportedly has a few tiedowns and potable water available outside the Forest Service guard station. There is a solar-powered outhouse near the boat ramp and numerous campsites between the airstrip and the boat ramp, “but no amenities.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.