Short Final: Man Of Few Words
Sometimes, ATC communication is all about reading between the lines.

Teterboro (NJ) Airport control tower. Credit: FAA
From IFR Magazine reader Daniel Spitzer
My copilot Daniel and I were inbound to New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport in our Embraer Praetor 500. Our arrival was during a busy time for one of the busiest GA airports in the world.
In the middle of continuous rapid-fire transmissions on Newark Approach, ATC instructed us, “84 Papa Delta; 90; 2,000; Approach; Tower.”
Thankfully, Daniel had the good sense NOT to read that back as, “Turn left to 090 degrees, maintain 2,000 until established, cleared ILS Approach Runway 6, contact Tower now on 119.5, Praetor 8 Papa Delta.”

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