Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Departing Oakland for Redding, California, NorCal Departure handed me off to Oakland Center. I changed frequencies but attended to some other issues and couldn’t remember if I’d checked in: Me:“Oakland Center, Skyhawk XXXXX, six thousand. I can’t remember if we actually checked in or if I just thought about it.” Oakland Center:“XXXXX, roger. No, you didn’t check in – but it’s the thought that counts.” Walt Odetsvia e-mail
Departing Oakland for Redding, California, NorCal Departure handed me off to Oakland Center. I changed frequencies but attended to some other issues and couldn't remember if I'd checked in:
"Oakland Center, Skyhawk XXXXX, six thousand. I can't remember if we actually checked in or if I just thought about it."
Oakland Center:
"XXXXX, roger. No, you didn't check in - but it's the thought that counts."
Walt Odets
via e-mail
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